Stories of Service


By: Ellie Bullard



今年夏天,美国志愿队成员在种树之余做了很多事情, building community gardens, and mentoring students, the last three months have gone by fast. 以下是一些成员本赛季的表现!

Dani: Summer Impact Corps

Dani担任青年学习与充实研究员 Summer Impact Corps. She served with Project Friendship, a youth mentoring program. 

What were you up to this summer?

Dani:“我一直致力于课程开发,并为导师创建培训模块,以帮助他们与Northfield社区学校的学生进行友谊项目. I researched, gathered, and analyzed information, led and facilitated meetings, 并帮助其他人学习新的信息和技能. 

值得一提的是,当我们有了和孩子们一起画艺术盒的创意时,我们会把它们放在圣. Olaf, Carleton College, and a retirement home. 这些盒子是开放的,人们可以放进去交换艺术作品,通过艺术促进社区和联系.”

What was rewarding about serving during the summer?

Dani:“我很高兴地说,我喜欢担任青年学习和充实研究员! 我非常感谢这段经历,也非常感谢我的项目经理们,和他们一起工作很愉快. 

我有一个绝佳的机会参与到培养一个积极的社区和支持系统中来,让孩子们能够有好的榜样,以多种积极的方式影响他们的生活. 这项工作对我来说意义重大,因为我能够在影响孩子方面发挥重大作用,能够在生活的各个方面找到优秀的导师来帮助他们, care, guide and invest in them.”

Hannah: True North

Hannah served Duluth-based True North AmeriCorps at Chester Bowl Summer Camp, 在那里,她带领露营者进行户外活动,帮助他们与彼此和大自然建立联系.

汉娜:“我最自豪的是,在True North AmeriCorps服务期间,我的领导技能得到了提高. I was often presented with challenging situations, 我相信,如果没有TNAC的经历对我的影响,我不可能像现在这样处理好这些问题. TNAC为一个人提供了一个空间,让他们毫无歉意地做自己, 我为自己因此成长为一个人而感到骄傲.”
汉娜:“我建议在美国服务队度过一个夏季学期,因为这是一个非常独特和充实的回馈德卢斯社区的方式. 你与德卢斯的年轻人一起工作,并真正改变了他们的生活. 通过TNAC学到的技能将继续帮助你的澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端!”

Crow Wing SWCD Crew: Conservation Corps

This Conservation Corps 他的团队在Crow Wing县水土保持区工作,帮助监测该县的水质.

What projects were you proud of this summer?

工作人员:“最突出我们经历的项目是我们花时间对白鱼湖链进行319湖监测. 我们和一位住在湖上的志愿者一起乘船去收集实验室测试的水样,并使用探空探头记录温度等数据, dissolved oxygen, pH, 以及不同深度湖泊的电导率.”

Why is this kind of monitoring important?

工作人员:“白鱼湖周围的区域最近一直在扩大,随之而来的是潜在的栖息地丧失. 因此,监测和保持这些湖泊的健康是很重要的.”

What was rewarding about this project?

Crew: “I这使我们能够探索和体验保护的许多方面. 通过与优秀的志愿者互动,我们能够体验与公众一起工作. Additionally, 通过样品的采集和数据的收集,我们获得了实地工作经验. Also, 我们看到了测试样本的实验室是如何工作的,以及所有这些不同的角色是如何协同工作的,对监测生态系统的健康至关重要.”


Building houses with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity.

Teaching students about carnivorous plants.

Guiding families through CAPRW Bigelow’s housing voucher program.

规定的火焰燃烧,以帮助防止野火 Conservation Corps.

Building a gravel bed tree nursery, 帮助树木抵御移植冲击的一种经济有效的方法, via GreenCorps.

教学生和建立一个强大的,支持性的社区 Breakthrough Twin Cities

Taking care of local trees and planting new ones.

Helping to create nature play area for young kids.

Installing new native plant gardens with GreenCorps and the Turf to Pollinator Gardens Project.

Creating aquaponics models using a 3-D printer.




Interested in serving with an AmeriCorps program? Check out our program options. You can also always reach out to our recruitment team and learn more about serving during the summer

Note: Some programs offer a summer-only term. Other programs, such as GreenCorps, 提供全年服务,包括夏季服务, as well as in the winter, fall, and spring. 只提供夏季学期的项目包括仁人家园双子城, Breakthrough Twin Cities, Conservation Corps, True North AmeriCorps, and Summer Impact Corps. 

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